I was asked this question after my post on Cullen species,
None of my bushfood books mention it, but I found several internet references to recipes for using the seeds in cooking (a cake, and biscuits).
I could find no references to aboriginal use of it, or to any testing having been done to establish the safety of eating the seeds.
I am aware that enthusiasm for bushfoods has led to some experimentation with foods that may not be safe to eat, so would not suggest that anyone do it, without having some further knowledge.
Can anyone help us here?
I would like to draw readers' attention to Comment 5.
I suggest that anyone considering eating seeds of any Cullen species looks up the Wikipedia article on the subject of furanocoumarins. If you are taking medications, you might also wish to read this one:
If you have read the article recommended in Comment 5, you will notice that one of the furanocoumarins contained in Cullen seeds is psoralen, which also produces phototoxic reactions (such as increasing the tendency to get sunburned more easily, or suffer eye damage from sunshine).
For me, the problem is that there seems to be (as yet) no research on how much or how little Cullen seed it takes, to get negative effects. I suggest that readers who wish to eat Cullen seeds do your own reading, and decide for yourselves whether you do or do not regard them as a risky thing for you to eat.
As always with such relatively untried foods, however, I do recommend that you don't give them to children.