Saturday, June 29, 2013

Singles versus Groups

Cupaniopsis parvifolia
Here are some very pretty scrub tuckeroos, demonstrating just how attractive the trees of our local semi-evergreen vine thickets look when grown in full sun

Look at these trees closely, and you will note that the one on the left is a single tree. The “one” on the right is a group of four. They have grown together since infancy, moulding their canopies into a neat single item.
While these trees are naturally occurring, they are demonstrating a neat trick that we can use in gardens. Planting in close groups creates a canopy more quickly than one plant could do alone. The technique is appropriate for all our local dry rainforest plants, whose deep roots don’t compete with each other.
Like so many species of the dry softwood scrubs, scrub tuckeroos are small trees, suitable for suburban gardens with their shady canopies and deep, drought-defying roots.

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