Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Getting Bugs

Insect Study at Franke Scrub, Highfields
Saturday 12 October, 9.30am to 5.30pm.

Members of the public are invited to participate in this event, whose aim is to survey the insect population in this remnant of local dry rainforest.

No specialist qualifications or knowledge are needed - just an interest in insects and how they interact with the environment.

Scientists from the Queensland Museum will guide the participants in using various scientific methods of collection, and then (once again with plenty of expert help), we will spend the afternoon in a local hall, sorting the catch into orders.

(This is an activity for adults, though older school students with a particular interest in biology will be considered.)

To register, please email me (address at right). Only a few places remain, so register soon to be sure of a place.

For more information, see the Franke Scrub Blog at

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