Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Rainforest Plant ID Workshop

Presenters: Gwen Harden and Bill McDonald

Sunday 22nd February 
commencing at 8.30 am for a 9 am start

WHERE: 210 West Street, South Toowoomba (between South and Alderley Streets)
Parking in Derwak Street off West Street

COST: $5.00 per person. Morning Tea included

REGISTER: Hugh Krenske hkrenske@210west.org.au, or Ph 4635 1758, or 0418 748 282.
Places are limited, so it’s best to book soon.

LEARN: to identify plants of Rainforests and our local Dry Scrubs, using the new interactive USB key for computers, “Rainforest Plants of Australia” by Gwen Harden, Hugh Nicholson, Bill McDonald, Nan Nicholson, Terry Tame and John Williams
For more information on the key, see http://rainforests.net.au

This new USB key makes it easy for amateur plant enthusiasts, and people new to botany or unfamiliar with our local plants, to identify the natives of our rainforests, scrubs, and vine thickets.
Of the 1139 plants in the key, about a quarter are native to the eastern Darling Downs, so the key is of immediate practical use in our local area. It can give us the ability to identify many of the plants we find on our roadsides and our properties, and in our National Parks and Conservation Reserves.
It comes with good descriptions of all the plants, line drawings, and an average of over 10 brilliant photos for every plant species.

1. Your key if you have one (You can purchase one at the workshop for $70)
2. Your laptop if you have one. Please check that your laptop has the necessary system
requirements to run the key at http://rainforests.net.au. RUNS ON WINDOWS AND MACS.

SPECIAL OFFER: Gwen will have copies of the key available at the workshop for $70.00.
She will also have for sale copies of the famous “red book” and “green book” - “Rainforest Trees and Shrubs” and “Rainforest Climbing Plants”, by Gwen Harden, Bill McDonald, and John Williams. There will be an opportunity during the morning for those who want to learn “keying out” plants from these books, rather than from the computer key.

1. Share a BYO lunch.
2. Early afternoon Rainforest Walk and Talk with Bill and Gwen in the rainforest secton of the Boyce Garden (corner Mackenzie and Range Streets). This is one of the last remnants of rainforest
within the Toowoomba city limits.

This workshop is hosted jointly by Toowoomba Field Naturalist Club and Friends of the Escarpment Parks Toowoomba Inc. 

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