Sunday, January 22, 2017

Buying Local Native Plants

My favourite source for the kinds of plants which interest me is the 
 Crows Nest Community Nursery. 
It specialises in the native plants of the broader Toowoomba region.
It is open every Thursday, 8.30am - 1.00pm.  
Plants sell for  $2.00 and $3.00. 

The nursery is Toowoomba Regional Council's environmental nursery and is staffed by one professional nurseryperson and a team of volunteers.

If you are looking to buy plants, you can go out there on a Thursday morning, or make enquiries to the nursery manager:
Phone:  Toowoomba Regional Council on 131 872. Ask for the manager of the Crows Nest Community Nursery.

To find the Nursery:Approaching Crows Nest from the south (i.e. from the Toowoomba direction), slow down at the 80 sign and take the first turn right into Industrial Avenue.
Follow the green street signs (which say NURSERY).  

Volunteering at the Nursery
 Much of the work that keeps the Crows Nest Community Nursery going is done by volunteers. 
If you want to do something worthwhile for the local environment, or just to learn more about plants and make new friends, you might consider becoming one of them.
The jobs done include:
  • Planting seed
  • Potting on the little seedlings, into nursery tubes.
  • Putting plants out on the shelves. 
  • Weeding and tidying them as required.
 No expertise is needed. Other volunteers help you to learn on the job. Just bring along a pair of willing hands and a smile.
To join, you can simply turn up on a Thursday and introduce yourself. Alternatively, you can make enquiries by email or phone to the nursery manager, as above.

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