Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Plants of South-east 

Toowoomba's Bushland Parks



  Released this week, the book contains photos and descriptions of 112 of Toowoomba's own local native plants. 


  Each plant is given a page in the book, together with a         concise description aimed at helping readers to feel confident about identifying the plants they find in the parks.











The same plant species occur in a wide area around Toowoomba, so would be useful to people wanting to know what the plants are, that occur on their own properties, and our local roadsides, nature reserves etc.

The book is written and edited by the Condamine Country Plant Group, a group of four people, of whom the author of this blogsite is one. Our aim is to produce books which help local people to become familiar with our own native plants.

It was printed thanks to funding organised by the Friends of the Escarpment Parks, and can be bought from them. They can be contacted through their website at

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