Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thank you for your comments.

I enjoyed hearing from some readers of the site, after my article on "Toowoomba Trees".
Jeff’s comments about how big trees add something very valuable to the character of Toowoomba are very much to the point. A “sense of history and belonging, and a sort of security”. Yes indeed.
I also agree with Sally’s point that the move to growing plants local to an area is a modern and progressive one. Indigenous planting is a fashion trend in modern gardening, which I hope will continue for a long time. Young people are getting a much better education on environmental matters, nowadays, so it probably will.
Mick’s comment, that everyone is affected when Toowoomba Council chooses to ignore environmental issues, reflects the frequent comments that I hear from visitors to Toowoomba, particularly those who come to the Society for Growing Australian plants’ stall that I usually work on at that time.
We might lose too much if we simply cut down all the existing camphor laurels, but we have nothing whatever to lose by refusing to plant any more, and by a policy of replacing old trees, as they die or are removed to make way for roadworks, with ribbonwoods, red cedars, or deep yellow-woods.


Sandeep Kamble said...

Thanks for providng information of variety of plants.

Mick said...

I know I am being extreme when I suggest that the Camphor Laurels should all be removed. I really don't expect it will happen. But it would be nice if some natives were gradually planted in their place. Perhaps the council could replace they as they require with some of the species that are discussed in this blog and over time people would appreciate them and wonder "why are there all these cinnamonium here when we could have ribbon wood or deep yellow woods?"